This here software is just freakin' wild... it allows you to get a metric crapload of links back to your website or blog, and attract quite a multitude of visitors to view it.
Using this free software correctly will bring in lots of quality, targeted traffic very quickly.
And this super-dynamically useful bit of software is FREE.
The link to download it is further down within this post, but please read this information about it before you download it - it's very important for you to know if you want this to work at it's maximum potential for you.
Further down towards the end of this post, you will also see a link to a better PAID software, should you decide to look it over.
Now, we all know how beneficial it can be for us to be commenting on other people's blogs... for getting the word out about, and linking back to, our own little space on the internet.
So, you find a blog with an excellent Alexa/Page ranking, leave a NON-SPAMMING, relevant-to-the-subject and engaging comment - that way, you get a link back to your blog that others can use to come and pay a visit to your site through.
Now, there are some little problems with this whole, otherwise brilliant strategy, that you all may be familiar with - doing this manually can take a LOT of your day (or WEEK), and often, once you check in on one of your target blogs, the post was made hours ago, and there are already a large number of comments made before you got to it.
Who the hell is going to see your comment now??
No-one... not while it's buried under a few hundred of other people's comments, lemme tellya.
You need to stand out from the crowd.
You need to be alerted as to when a blogger makes a post, as soon as the post is made...
With this awesome free software program, you just input your target blogs addresses, and you are ALERTED as soon as a post is made.
This software seeks out thousands of relevant blogs, displays each one's Page/Alexa ranking, and alerts you whenever those that you have chosen has published a post!
You then go and type in your comment, and you're right at the TOP of the comments list, right where everyone can see you. Pretty damned snazzy, eh?
This has a few very interesting benefits;
First, the author of the blog will see that you are a regular reader, and pay you some attention. This person will appreciate this, and in the future may even offer to feature one of your posts in his/her blog, sending all of their traffic to yours at once.
Second, others will see your comments, and depending on the quality of what you've written (and how often), may be quite interested in seeing what your blog/website has to offer for them.
Third, the search engine ranking of these blogs will "rub off" onto yours, since these high ranking places now have links to your personal corner of the internet.
Now, this brilliant bit of software will search out any and all blogs all across the net according to the blog subjects that you specify, and will even show you the page ranking and Alexa rank for each one. You following me so far?
Of course, the better the rank, the more attention that Google and the other search engines will give to that site... and in turn, the links to your site on them, and the search engine spiders follow these to your site, each and every time their blog gets pinged (usually, every time these bloggers publish a post).
As the search engine spiderbots come crawling to your site, your ranking improves as well - soon you will get a lot more visitors, as you climb the ranks in the search engines.
IMPORTANT NOTE; This software not only slashes hours upon hours of work down to mere minutes, but it also has a very, very cool feature...
...while you're away from your PC with this software running, it can also alert you on your cell phone, and you can leave a blog comment immediately, through your cell phone's web browser, right from wherever you are!!
Now, ain't that a freakin' HOOT??
NOTE; PLEASE understand these MAJOR POINTS when using this method of getting free traffic:
Things you should definitely do;
#1 - Comment only on blogs that are relevant to the subject of your own blog/website.
Search engines rank links to your site according to how related in subjects the two points in cyberspace are, and reward you accordingly.
This is called, "themed links". A bunch of less than relevant, themed links WILL be considered as SPAM.
#2 - Do be consistent, but don't be afraid to MISS A POST (or even a few) every so often. You don't want to come off as some clingy, drooling fanboy/fangirl. Nobody likes a clingy, creepy, kiss-ass. You want to be seen as an avid reader, and one with something to contribute, yes - but you don't wanna look like someone without a life.
Things you definitely should NOT do;
#1 - DON'T leave flimsy, lame-ass *nothings* for comments. You know, cheesey crap comments like, "Nice blog!", or some such drivel. These are seen as SPAM, and you certainly won't be gaining any popularity or attracting anyone over to your site this way.
Be engaging, like, "Wow, now that's a valid point! That's interesting how you pointed out that... ",
or, "See, I never thought of that - I wish I thought of this last week when I... ",
or "Hey, now that's an idea I have to try - but would it also work if I... ?",
or even, "Haha! I was just blogging about this very same thing yesterday! But another important point that I noticed was... " - see what I mean here?
Basically, INTERACT - you are putting yourself out there to be *seen*... let all those who visit that space see that you can be informative as well, and they will visit your blog/website also. DON'T try to "out-inform" these blog authors, or try to compete... remember that comments can be moderated or deleted by the blog's authors. After all, you want to make friends, not enemies.
#2 - DON'T be an ass... don't even think about trying to push or peddle your wares, or try to sell anything in your commenting - that's what your blog/website is for.
You don't want to risk getting blacklisted from these blogs... or worse.
When you are commenting on another's blog, have the same courtesy as if you were a guest in someone else's house. It's pretty much the same thing, y'know?
#3 - DO NOT directly ask, plead, suggest, urge, beg, or otherwise mention to visit your blog/website in your comments.
Write with the mindset that the quality of your commenting should stand well and good enough alone to entice others to come and see what you and your site are all about.
#4 - DO NOT include any HTML or JAVASCRIPT or what have you, in the comment posting fields... ever.
Nothing should be in your comment content except friendly and engaging comments.
#5 - DON'T write a freakin' NOVEL in the comment space.
Be short and sweet, and be as informative as you like, but don't go BLOGGING in a comment post. A small 2-5 sentences or so are more than adequate. If you don't think it is, then you should work on the quality your writing. Don't go writing life stories in a blog comment - you don't want to wear out your welcome.
Alright, I'm sure you get the picture.
Now, this free software searches thousands of blogs in these four well-known blogging platforms;
Live Spaces
Google Blogs (Other than Blogger)
To download this software, click here.
When you input your e-mail information, you will receive an e-mail with a link to download the software, and also a "registration code" - BUT DON'T WORRY! It's still free!
Downloading the software, you'll notice that it's a "trial version"... but upon inputting the registration code given to you in that e-mail, you unlock the FULL version FOR FREE.
There's one minor "drawback" with this software;
- While this is *EXTREMELY* effective towards attracting huge hordes of free traffic when used properly, it only searches blogs in the four platforms mentioned above - although, within those four platforms, there are literally thousands of them to choose from.
Of course, if you want a much more brilliant piece of software that does much more, you're gonna have to pay for it.
THE ABSOLUTE BEST ONE for this, you can find on a certain product page, but you'll need to dig just a little.
Once there, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on "other products", and then another page opens up - choose the blog commenting product link.
THAT software searches ALL BLOGS IN 11 DIFFERENT PLATFORMS, and you also get a bunch of tutorial videos to learn the best ways to use it to the most speedy advantage, and gain acres of free traffic in an exceedingly powerful way.
Once you get to it's product page, watch the video.
You can find it by clicking here.
That's it! Enjoy the software!
FREE Website/Blog Traffic Accelerator...
Posted by The Dude at 10:26 AM
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